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Mitangru Committee

Formation and Objectives

In 1995, the church elders embarked on an initiative to produce a church bulletin with the goal of enhancing communication and transparency within the congregation. This bulletin was designed to nourish the spiritual growth of church members through diverse writings. Its objectives were to:

Evolution and Naming

Initially, the bulletin was published once a year. From 2000 onward, it began being published biannually. In 1996, the bulletin was renamed Mitangru by Lt. Rev. A. Temjen Ao. 

The name "Mitangru" means "mirror" in the Mongsen language. This term reflects the historical practice of ancestors who used mirrors fashioned from wood and clear water to view their reflections and make necessary corrections. This metaphor illustrates the bulletin's role in reflecting the spiritual state of the church and guiding its members.


Today, Mitangru has been in circulation for 29 years and has seen 38 editions. It is produced by a dedicated team of 5 members. Over the years, Mitangru has become an integral part of church life, offering comprehensive coverage on various aspects of spiritual and communal life. The bulletin continues to be a source of blessing and spiritual nourishment, with the hope that it will continue to deepen the knowledge of God and provide spiritual blessings to its readers in the future.

Mitangru Issues Archive

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Issue January-June, 2016

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Issue July-December, 2019

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Issue January-June, 2022

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Issue January-June, 2023

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Issue July-December, 2023